Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes:
“Visual novels have long been used to tell stories through a simplistic but effective medium that often gives players choices to make to change the route of the story they are following but can also be completely static, telling a one route storyline. Throughout the years these visual novels have taken on many forms and genres, ranging from completely serious takes on war and loss, futuristic worlds being explored or interactions with fantasy races, and of course plenty of dating games and the numerous subversions of the genre. With CELL 0: Cyber Entertainment Leisure Lounge, players are treated to a prequel of sorts that the developer hopes will lead into a continuing series and deals with the apocalyptic rise of AI that has gone unchecked. With this small team and some big dreams, is this indie visual novel worth checking out?”
Source: N4G PC CELL 0: Cyber Entertainment Leisure Lounge Review [Capsule Computers]