From GameWatcher: “Zeno Clash is one of those games that people seem to have either utterly loved or never heard of. It was originally published by Microsoft in 2009, and developed by ACE Team, a small Chilean studio also famous for a few other games with similar, shall we say unorthodox art styles. Titles like Rock of Ages and The Eternal Cylinder, for example. ACE Team isnt a studio that shies away from using imagination to produce the unexpected which is why, despite outward appearances, Clash: Artifacts of Chaos is looking so interesting.

Having recently spent some time with a preview build of the new action fighting game, I can honestly say that Clash isnt what I thought it was going to be. As I had never played Zeno Clash, and so when I heard acquaintances talking in hushed tones about a new game in the same universe, I wondered what the fuss was about. I have mixed feelings, and while I am still trying to understand the excitement, I can see why others are drawn to it.”

Source: N4G PC Clash: Artifacts of Chaos is a beautifully ugly adventure – GameWatcher