With Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest being the top dogs of the JRPG genre, the Tales series has always played second fiddle in this proverbial race. Its not as as obscure as the Ys series nor is it a cult hit like the Mana games.

Needless to say, the myriad of Tales JRPGs have always been a staple of any console generation, whether it is Tales of Symphonia on the Gamecube or Tales of Berseria on the PlayStation 4.

Its been about five years since the last entry, and Tales of Arise has finally arrived on PS4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. Acting as a great entry point for newcomers and a soft reboot of sorts, Tales of Arise is one of the most definitive games in the series years.

Source: N4G PC Why Tales of Arise Is A Must-Play JRPG