CG writes: It has been a few years since Assassins Creed Odyssey (2018), giving team Ubisoft a little of bit of time to take in some feedback and adjust the development of the next game in the series. Assassins Creed Valhalla then, should be a up there with the greats right? Perhaps not, but first-things-first, a game is only as good as its execution, and whilst theres plenty of blood spilt in Ubisofts latest game, the overall experience feels marred by the ever-presence of game-breaking bugs. Whod have thought, the tiny critters could take-on the might of the Danes in England during the 9th Century. Either way, is Assassins Creed Valhalla worth the time and energy at present or best left to stew a bit before diving-in?

Source: N4G PC Assassin's Creed Valhalla Review PC – A Good Game Let down by Bugs – CG