Xbox appears to be teasing something related to the highly anticipated Cyberpunk 2077. Upon visiting, you’re greeted with a fake “hacked” screen that quickly flashes images and lines of code across a distorted view of the Xbox homepage. After a few seconds of this, the noise goes away and you get a clear message that says, “Return in 4 days.” However, if you pause at the right time, you can see the silhouette of an Xbox One console and controller.

Prior to this, the Xbox Twitter account was also “hacked” and posted the below tweet, showing a sequence referring to Arasaka, a massive corporation in the Cyberpunk universe. The official Cyberpunk Twitter account also retweeted the Xbox tweet.

Yesterday, a listing on Amazon’s Canadian website advertised a Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One controller. While the listing has since been removed, you can see an image of that below.

Interestingly enough, you may remember the big re-reveal of Cyberpunk 2077 occurred at E3 2018. Instead of “hacking” the homepage, however, Cyberpunk 2077 “hacked” the end of the Microsoft E3 2018 press conference. Cyberpunk 2077 was originally scheduled to release today, but was delayed to September

[Source: Xbox, Xbox on Twitter, Windows Central]

Source: Game Informer Microsoft Looks Like It's Teasing A Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One