Having just celebrated its 20th anniversary, the PlayStation 2 remains one of the best gaming consoles ever. We recently shared our picks for the best PS2 games ever, but we want to know what you, our readers, consider the best of the best of Sony’s game-changing platform.

With a staggering 1,800+ games in its library, naming the greatest game on PlayStation 2 is no small feat… but we bet you’re up to the challenge.


Voting will officially close on March 13 and we will reveal the crowdsourced list top 25 PS2 games on March 15. Vote now through the Face-Off above, or scroll down for more information on how our Face-Offs work.

What is a Face-Off?

Like the name suggests, a Face-Off pits two games against one another and you decide which one is the superior of the two. In this case, you are voting to determine which is the better game on PlayStation 2. It’s possible to see certain games multiple times so you can keep voting for your favorites to ensure they get ranked higher than the rest. We’ve pre-selected 125+ great PS2 games here based on IGN reviews and other factors (we got all the ones we love on there, and hopefully the ones you love too!). These get randomly paired up and each time you pick a winner, it’s tracked. Here’s an example of a crowdsourced list we made of the best Pokemon missing from Sword and Shield.

How do you determine a winner?

When voting ends next week, we tally up the total number of “wins” and “losses” each game has, and create a new ranked list based on your choices. The game that won the most matchups will be crowned the “winner,” and in the event of a tied number of “wins,” the game with the lease “losses” will take the top spot. If you continue to keep voting for your top PS2 games, they’ll have a better chance of making it onto the new list. You can vote as many times as you want until the Face-Off closes.

How do I know when I’ve clicked through everything?

It’s difficult to know when you’ve seen every PS2 game included since they are matched randomly and there are so many possible match-ups. Playing till you vote for all your favorite games or ensuring that certain games don’t get in the winner’s circle are different options you can take with a Face-Off. By deciding the winner throughout all these matchups, you’re ensuring that your picks for the best Playstation 2 games will have a fighting chance to reach the top of the list.

Which PlayStation 2 games have you included?

The list of PS2 games has been decided by the staff in addition to suggestions from the IGN audience. There are so many excellent PS2 games, so we wanted to ensure that we had a good variety of games from the upper echelon of the PlayStation 2’s massive library.

Be sure to check out Power Ranking our new community-focused polling series, dedicated to settling important arguments like the what’s the best Star Wars games of all time and who’s the greatest video game characters of all time.

Source: IGN.com What’s the Best PS2 Game of All Time?