[Nior is here to take us on a journey of their life, using video games as touchstones for important moments. Some of this is incredibly personal, and I’d like to thank them for taking the time to share. – Kevin]

Last year I turned 24 years old. Although it doesn’t seem like a lot of time, that’s a quarter of the average human lifespan, give or take. It’s been an interesting journey so far, and even though I still have much to see and do, I feel like I did a lot. And video games, more than any other media, have accompanied me every step of the way.

Right now, a new decade is starting, and this presents a great opportunity to reflect on the past and the choices that led me here. As you could probably deduce by now, I chose one game for every year I’ve been on this planet. It was considerably harder than I expected but it was worth the effort. And hey, you can consider this my very late introduction too!

My life in 24 games screenshot

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Source: Destructoid My life in 24 games

By Nior