For better or worse, Blizzard has been tapping into the old well of “Horde versus Alliance” for the most recent World of Warcraft expansion: Battle for Azeroth.

Now it’s not perfect, but I’ve been enjoying the played-up dichotomy between the two, having fully leveled both a horde and alliance character. I really dig how different both factions are this time around, with unique capital cities, new storylines, and extra dungeons/raid fights: it really adds some pizzazz to leveling alts. To go along with all the in-game festivities Blizzard has been putting out a ton of their signature digital shorts, and now you can watch the entire saga in one go with Battle for Azeroth: Varok Saurfang’s Mak’gora (Mak’gora means “duel of honor,” a ritual latent in the orc race).

Centering around Saurfang and Sylvanas’ personal war (as well as the greater world conflict), the compilation does feel complete while leading up to the newer events of this constantly evolving MMO. There’s a lot of uncertainty in the story right now (which comes with its own sense of excitement), but we’ll likely learn more about the future of the game at BlizzCon next month.

This new World of Warcraft video turns all the shorts into a brief film screenshot

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Source: Destructoid This new World of Warcraft video turns all the shorts into a brief film