Source code sleuth Lance McDonald has once again been poking around the innards of From Software’s PlayStation 4 masterpiece Bloodborne, and this time he’s uncovered an absolute blinder: a gargantuan snake ball boss that didn’t make it into the final game.

This boss is interesting for all sorts of reasons, not least the fact that data miners have seemingly known about its existence, in a manner of speaking, for some time – although none had realised the significance of the model.

As McDonald explained in the comments to his latest video, most third-party model viewers completely ignore intended scale and, as a result, the community had uniformly assumed that the cut snake ball boss was just another variant of the standard Snake Ball and Great Snake Ball enemies found in Bloodborne’ s Forbidden Woods area.

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Source: Eurogamer Code sleuth restores Bloodborne's gargantuan, and sadly cut, Snake Ball boss