In the days before Netflix or Hulu – an age where cable TV was hard to come by – my passion was the outdoors. My family didn’t have the money to invest in television, and the internet was hardly accessible, so I spent most of my time as a young child going outside. Of course, my parents were strict on that too – I could only play in my backyard, or near the school playgrounds.

This never stopped me from having fun though. To an adult, a backyard could be something as plain as a large area of grass and shrubs, but for 8-year-old me, it was the foundation for my imagination. Some days it was a haunted area for spooky ghosts, and other days, it was a city, filled with mesmerizing citizens of all shapes and sizes. The world was my oyster – a great escape from reality.

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Source: Opinion: Netflix's Hilda and the Importance of Escapism