Players who are still waiting for Epic Games to bring back the recently launched and subsequently removed Fortnite Playground LTM will have to wait a little longer, as it appears that the crew at Epic are having trouble getting the limited time mode to work smoothly. As such, they’ve announced via Twitter that the re-launch is being delayed until next week at minimum.

From what we can tell, there isn’t any firm date set for when the Fortnite Playground LTM will come back — we can only expect to hear more about its status after this weekend passes, with the crew promising another update on Monday. Assuming that the new gameplay mode is still giving the team trouble, we may have to wait even longer before giving it a shot.

What’s all the hubbub concerning the Fortnite Playground LTM about? Well, simply put, it’s a new game mode where players can get a feel for Fortnite’s take on the battle royale sensation in matches where users won’t have to worry about swarms of other players or the quickly closing storm: matches are limited to just four players total, the storm doesn’t close until 55 minutes have elapsed, and the map has loads of extra weapons, ammo, and loot scattered about. It may be far less exciting than the usual mode, but it presents a lot of great opportunities for fans to get a feel for the map, seek out hidden goodies, or even work on their strategies in a low-pressure environment.

In short, the Fornite Playground LTM is sure to be a hit among fans — assuming they ever get a chance to check it out. Those who want to jump in the minute that Playground LTM goes live should be sure to keep it tuned here to Shacknews or over on our very own Fortnite home page.

Source: Shacknews Fortnite Playground LTM Re-Launch Delayed To Next Week
