Fortnite players were treated to two new challenge sets on Wednesday morning, coming a day earlier than normal. One of the Rippley vs. Sludge challenges will task players with finding the hidden gnome between Logjam Woodworks, a wooden shack, and a bucket tree.

As you’ve probably figured out by now, these kind of challenges aren’t too hard, as long as you know where to look. To save you some time, we’ve got the exact Fortnite hidden gnome location.

Where to Search the Hidden Gnome in Fortnite

As the clue states, players will be able to find the Fortnite hidden gnome between Logjam Woodworks, a wooden shack, and a bucket tree. This clue is pretty vague, and doesn’t really do a lot of good because these three locations can be hard to find. Further, tracking down the secret location between them can seem next to impossible.

Thankfully, we’ve done the work for you. Players will be able to search the hidden Fortnite gnome northwest of Slurpy Swamp, in the wooded area, as seen on the map below.

Fortnite Hidden Gnome Rippley vs. Sludge Map

Simply visit the marked location above, and you’ll find the hidden gnome resting under a tree along the edge of the water.

Fortnite Hidden Gnome Rippley vs. Sludge

Once you’ve found it, simply walk up to it and follow the on screen command. After you do that, you’ll have completed this Rippley vs. Sludge challenge.

For more help with this challenge set, be sure to visit our Fortnite wiki page or our list of Weekly Challenges. Also, be sure to check out how to earn Gold Scavenger Medals and where to find Slurp trucks, barrels, and silos.

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Andrew Smith is a freelance contributor with IGN. He has been writing about Fortnite since Season 9 and is loving Chapter 2. Follow him on Twitter at @_andrewtsmith.

Source: Fortnite: Where to Search the Hidden Gnome in the Rippley vs. Sludge Challenges