The third season of HBO’s True Detective is set to premiere on Sunday, January 13, with an all-new cast featuring Mahershala Ali (Moonlight) and Stephen Dorff (Blade). Dorff and Ali play detectives trying to solve a missing-persons case involving two children in rural Arkansas. Series creator and executive producer Nic Pizzolatto wrote the eight-episode season, alongside Deadwood alum David Milch, who co-wrote episodeĀ 4.

Season 3’s narrative spans three decades, following the lives of detectives Wayne Hays (Ali) and Roland West (Dorff). In order to effectively show the passage of time from the 1980s to 2015, both Ali and Dorff had to undergo radical transformations with the helpĀ prosthetics. Ali spoke to IGN about his approach to portraying multiple versions of the same character.

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Source: True Detective Star on Playing Multiple Versions of Same Character